Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Let the show begin!

Welcome to my brain; there's a full carnival of oddities lurking about up here, dancing and spinning across my imagination... The one in charge is a dark fellow, more comfortable within the shadows and the hiding places of night, but he is my muse and I haveto listen to him; his are the ideas that my eyes see and my hands type onto the screen.

I'm a writer of horror, and the one responsible for setting up the Australian Horror Writers Association (http://www.australianhorror.com). I also draw a little and write awful poetry, which I'm sure you'll encounter in the depths of this blog...

Anyway, feel free to join the carnival, we're all slightly mad here :)



Shane Jiraiya Cummings said...

No, Marty! Don't tell me the blogosphere has claimed you as another victim! Noooooo!!!!

Welcome to the world of rants and madmen! :)

Enjoy the blogosphere!

Christopher Elston said...

Great Blog, Marty! Talking of muses, I know what you mean - mine's a violent son of a bitch.