So what's this random bit of Internet guff you've stumbled upon..? Well me 'earties, it's simply what I like to call, for the sake of pitcher plants, Marty's Markets (in no particular order--but note, Cemetery Dance would've been included if it wasn't currently closed to submissions). This page lists the markets I'm aiming for. It won't change much, but I will be listing new anthologies or markets that I think would be worthwhile submitting to up the top of this list.
1. Bloodstones - edited by Amanda Pillar
2. Daily Science Fiction - an email magazine that posts one short story a day
3. One Buck Horror - all new short horror fiction in an ebook format
Word Limit: 1000 to 7,500 words
Pay Rate: 2c/word (see website for full details)
Genres: non-traditional horror (see website for full details)
Read the Submission Guidelines
Accepts email submissions
2. Daily Science Fiction - an email magazine that posts one short story a day
Word Limit: 100 to 10,000 words
Pay Rate: 8c/word
Genres: science fiction, in its broadest sense
Read the Submission Guidelines
Email submissions only
3. One Buck Horror - all new short horror fiction in an ebook format
Word Limit: <3000 words
Pay Rate: 5c/word
Genres: classic horror that doesn't feel stale or dated
Read the Submission Guidelines
Accepts online submissions
4. Clarkesworld Magazine - a monthly science fiction and fantasy magazine
Word Limit: 1000-8000 words (preferred length is 4000)
Pay Rate: 10c/word up to 4000, 5c/word after
Genres: science fiction and fantasy
Read the Submission Guidelines
Accepts online submissions
5. - a site for science fiction, fantasy, and all the things that interest SF and fantasy readers
Word Limit: under 12,000
Pay Rate: 25c/word for the first 5000; 15c/word for next 5000; 10c/word thereafter
Genres: all speculative fiction
Read the Submission Guidelines
Accepts online submissions
6. Strange Horizons - a weekly web-based magazine of speculative fiction
Word Limit: Prefer under 5000 but will accept up to 9000
Pay Rate: 7c/word, with a minimum payment of $50
Genres: speculative fiction (but generally no horror)
Read the Submission Guidelines
Accepts online submissions (of course)
7. Apex Magazine - a monthly online magazine of science-fiction, fantasy, and horror
Word Limit: 7500 words maximum
Pay Rate: 5c/word
Genres: sheer, unvarnished awesomeness (of the dark speculative fiction kind)
Read the Submission Guidelines
Accepts online submissions
8. Analog Science Fiction and Fact - THE Grandfather sci-fi magazine, published since 1938
Word Limit: 2000-7000 for short stories; 10,000-20,000 for novelettes; 40,000-80,000 for serials
Pay Rate: 6-8c/word up to 7500; $450-$600 for 7500-10,000 words; 5-6c/word for longer
Genres: science fiction
Read the Submission Guidelines
Accepts online submissions
9. Asimov's Science Fiction - a legendary magazine with 30+ years of publication
Word Limit: Rarely accept anything longer than 20,000
Pay Rate: 6c/word to 7500; 5c/word for stories >12,500; $450 for lengths in-between
Genres: "character oriented" science fiction
Read the Submission Guidelines
Accepts online submissions
10. Lightspeed Magazine - online magazine focusing exclusively on science fiction
Word Limit: 1500-7500 (5000 or less preferred)
Pay Rate: 5c/word
Genres: science fiction
Read the Submission Guidelines
Accepts online submissions (of course)
11. Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show - online fantasy and science fiction magazine
Word Limit: any length
Pay Rate: 6c/word up to 7500; 5c/word thereafter
Genres: most aspects of speculative fiction (including horror, but no gory bloodfests)
Read the Submission Guidelines
Accepts online submissions (of course)
12. ChiZine - online dark speculative fiction magazine
Word Limit: up to 4000
Pay Rate: 7c/word
Genres: dark
Read the Submission Guidelines
Accepts online submissions (of course)
13. Midnight Echo - it's on the list cos it's awesome and because as my bio says, I was one of the creative minds behind its birth, and am now the Executive Editor (again).
Word Limit: up to 5000
Pay Rate: 1c/word to a maximum of $50
Genres: horror/dark fiction
Read the Submission Guidelines