December with all of its Christmas cheer has been a great month for me, writing-wise. I made my first US sale with my short story Decky's Plight set to appear in the special monster issue of Black Ink Horror (September 07), my story Knightsbrea was one of the 4 finalists in the December competition at Spinetingers and will be published on their website on January 1st, and... I completed the final edit of my novel! Finished it yesterday, actually, witing the words 'THE END' at about 7pm last night.
Then I indulged in a couple of glasses of wine :)
I spoke about my novel to me wifey on the drive home from Newcastle on Christmas evening, and we devised a - what I believe - brilliant story arc, one in which I can develop a number of books, not necessarily sequels but linked adventures in an interesting world. The idea is based around a blend of science fiction and horror, so I'm pretty excited about starting work on the next book...
For now, make sure you check out Spinetingers on January 1st for my story, Knightsbrea.
5 hours ago