Well, Darkling Muse has finally cracked a smile. His hands have unclenched and he has stepped back from behind me - I'm glad he's no longer breathing over my shoulder 'cos I've gotta tell ya, his breath is ripe and full of dead things...
He's smiling because the novel synopsis is - finally and absolutely - done, and becasue I've got the time to start writing stories again.
First plan of action is to submit the novel, and that's both exciting and daunting (it's just a pity I can't send Darkling Muse in there to meet with publishers :)
My article called
Australian Horror Fiction - An Overview is also done, all 6000+ words of it. Done and sent off to the editor of the collection, which will see publication in December in India!! While the article was a hard slog that took me from my muse, it did open up a whole world of early Australian horror, going right back to 1857. There's some pretty good colonial Australian 'horror' stories lurking about in history.
But I'm glad that article is done because I haven't managed to do much writing lately, and there are many, many ideas building in my head. They're starting to cram up against one another, so I'm going to have to put them into words very soon before that creepy sideshow fellow decides on another way to pry them from my head...
2007 continues to rumble along, with my 4th story for the year being published by Demon Minds. Already, I've had more stories accepted for publication in 2007 than I did in the whole of 2006, so that's pretty cool. I'm feeling in a good place with my writing now, so it's time to step up as gear. All that cluttered scientific jargon left over from my PhD has been cleaned out of my system and the words seem to be flowing quite well.
It's time to return to the carnival...