Okay, so the synopsis is now complete!
Thank God.
It took 4 attempts, 3 severe edits by Paula, before I got the damn thing right. And now it bloody well shines :)
I re-read my first attempt and it made me cringe. Even I wouldn't have asked to read the manuscript had someone sent me that synopsis. Funny, cos at the time I was sure it was a knockout. Proves how much I know.
Oh Dr Young, you think you know all there is to know, don't you..?
Turns out I barely know where my next full stop is.
Anyway, the synopsis is done - well, let me clarify. A synopsis a little over 8 double-spaced pages is done, and now Paula is asking for me to shrink it down to 2 pages, and even 1 page. This request made me go fill up my glass with scotch and take a hefty drink.
Two pages is bad enough; how the hell am I supposed to shrink this thing currently 8 pages, something that was a struggle to limit to 8 pages, down to 2 pages? Or even 1 page? One page!
I think I need another drink...
The idea is to have a couple of different length synopsis ready to go should an agent request a 2 page one, or even a 1 page (shudder) one.
So it's with a groan that I haul myself back to the keyboard..... Will aim to get the 2 page version done this weekend. The 1 page, well, we'll see...
Meanwhile, the research into the most suitable agents continues...
5 hours ago