There are currently 47 pro markets listed. Of that number:
- 4 are closed til Jan 1, 2012 or later
- 1 is indefinitely closed
- 2 are merging
- 5 are closed until further notice
- 1 is dead
- 1 is not recommended due to lack of response to submissions and queries
- 1 is listed as having subs open by assignment only
- 1 is closed to unsolicited submissions
That leaves 32 currently open to subs. That's a pretty healthy number of markets. Response times range from a few weeks to 4 months, which is also pretty good.
Breaking this down even further to remove those who do not accept the type of story I write (ie horror/sci-fi), I find that:
- 1 is open to adventure fantasy only
- 1 is Canadian and only publish a limited number of international stories
- 2 are for readers aged 9-14
- 1 does not accept horror
- 2 publish mystery/crime only
- 2 publish stories set in an existing 17th century world
- 1 is a 'magazine of wholesome fun' for children up to the age of 12
- 1 is a literary magazine for children
- 1 is medieval fantasy and set in an existing universe
This now leaves 20 pro markets currently open to horror/sci-fi submissions. Still a good number but not as good as the 32 I first thought were available. But for someone like me who only manages to write 2 or 3 short stories a year, this should be more than enough to keep me busy.
I also found 2 pro rate anthologies currently open to submissions, although one seems a bit dubious...
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