Thursday, April 26, 2007

Double figures

Great stuff!

I've just had a story accepted for Black Box, the sequel to the ground-breaking charity e-anthology Shadow Box, published by those great kids at Brimstone Press. Woohoo!

After looking over the list of contributors, there was no way I was going to miss out! That list reads like a who's who of Aussie spec-fic, and I wanted to be a part of it. And now I am.

Black Box is due for publication in January '08, so stay tuned for more details...

This marks my tenth story publication since I started focusing on fiction after my PhD, which finished in late 2005. I'll be the first to admit that it has taken a good year to get rid of all that deadly boring science writing out of my system (or at least to confine it to work), but this year, I've felt a freedom starting to appear in my writing, a free-flow of words that happens when the story demands to be told. It's a good sign.

Onwards and upwards, I say.

I'm a happy camper. And so is Darkling Muse, kind of... He has actually been throwing daggers at the other carnival folk through my lack of writing; he's pretty pissed at the moment, if truth be told... But it's been so hard getting back into my rhythm after PNG. I know it's been 3 weeks, but man...

Darkling's sideshow eyes have a real nasty gleam to them that makes me quite nervous. I try to tell my muse that he's making me feel uncomfortable being alone with him, but all he says is that he'd never harm me directly... (like that helps!)

At least my novel is chugging along - I've managed to finish the final edits on 23 of the 386 pages over the past 3 weeks, but neither myself or Darkling Muse is happy with such slow going. We really do need to crank up the pace. I aim to have this submitted to publishers by the end of the year.

And Macabre, that mystical magical beast of an anthology I'm editing with Angela, well, it's coming along nicely. There are some great stories slated to appear in the collection, both original and re-prints by new writers and by some of the best we've got. We're deep into the editing at the moment, but it's coming, and oh, what an anthology it'll be. We've got a great little surprise in store, too....

Okay, I've gotta go, the shadows are calling...


Brian G Ross said...

Well done on the publication, Marty.